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Dilemmas of African Security Governance and China-Africa Peace and Security Cooperation

作  者: (张春);

机构地区: 上海国际问题研究院,上海200233

出  处: 《阿拉伯世界研究》 2017年第5期102-117,共16页

摘  要: 自冷战结束以来,尽管非洲的安全形势已经发生重大变化,但其安全环境仍相当恶劣。目前,非洲安全治理面临重大困难并受困于三个错配:一是目标与手段的错配,非洲安全挑战正从以结构性暴力为主转向以非结构性暴力为主,但非洲安全治理仍延用传统的军事逻辑;二是意愿与能力的错配,非洲对所有权的强调与其资源匮乏的矛盾可能因"非洲崛起"而加剧,而传统的权势逻辑和机制能力不足仍在延续;三是当地需求与外部支持的错配,发达国家仍强势主导对非安全事务,新兴大国介入力度和渠道均存在明显不足。中国承诺更大程度地帮助非洲改善安全治理,需要在充分虑及上述错配的情况下,为中非和平安全合作设计宏观、长期和全面的战略规划并辅以相应的政策体系。 Africa still faces severe security challenges even the Cold War has ended for more than20 years.While security environment has been significantly changed,Africa security governance is as difficult as two decades ago,trapping by three mismatches:with its primary security challenges are moving from structural violence to non-structural violence,African security governance still adheres to traditional military approach,a mismatch between ends and means is rising;the long time dilemma between stress on African ownership and scarce resources indeed deteriorated by the'African rising',while traditional power politics logic and weak institutional capacity functioning as usual,all highlight the mismatch between willingness and capacities,and finally,with developed countries still dominate African security affairs and emerging powers lack of policy tools,the mismatch between local needs and external supports is further evolving.Taking all three mismatches and China's commitments of improving African security governance into account,China should design a grand,long-term and comprehensive strategy and policy system for China-Africa peace and security cooperation.

关 键 词: 中非关系 安全治理 非结构性暴力 战略设计


作者 臧雪飞
作者 房玉


机构 华南师范大学
机构 深圳大学法学院


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作者 康秋实
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