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Arguments on Cooperation to Resist Japanese Aggression and Being Unified to Save the Nation:Divergence and Integration of Chinese Consensus before and after Xi'an Incident

作  者: (范立君);

机构地区: 吉林师范大学历史文化学院

出  处: 《吉林大学社会科学学报》 2017年第5期92-101,共10页

摘  要: 西安事变发生后,逐渐成为中国舆论的焦点,媒体对于事变的走向空前关注。自日本侵占中国东北以来,在抗日的问题上,各方产生了明显的意见分歧,引发了舆论的交锋。伴随着中日民族矛盾的逐渐加深,争论日趋激烈,并在西安事变前后达到高潮。在日本咄咄逼人的侵略态势和民众抗日呼声日趋高涨的浪潮下,在各方势力不断斡旋与妥协下,西安事变最终得以和平解决。西安事变因此成了国内舆论整合的转折点,国民党推行的"统一救国"主张不断式微,"联合抗日"逐渐成为舆论的主流,全国抗日形势不断高涨。 After the happening,Xi’an Incident gradually became the focus of Chinese consensus.The Media concerned unprecedentedly about the development of this incident.Each party held different opinions on the matter of antiJapanese since the Japanese army invaded the northeast area of China.This obvious divergence caused severe debates,which got to a peak before and after Xi’an Incident with the worsening of Chinese and Japanese relationship.In the end,Xi’an Incident was settled in a peaceful way in the background of Japanese threatening invasion,the public’s Q enthusiasm on anti-Japanese and all parties’compromises and intercessions.Therefore,Xi’an Incident became the turningpoint of the consensus integration.With Kuomintang’s claim,'being unified to save the nation'becoming disadvantaged,and with the claim of cooperating to resist Japanese aggression becoming the main-streaming consensus,the whole nation’s enthusiasm on anti-Japanese was continuously in a rise.

关 键 词: 西安事变 抗日舆论 联合抗日 统一救国


作者 潘少琼
作者 王辉
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作者 苏丽


机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学政治与行政学院
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南农业大学


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作者 康超
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