作 者: (袁慧铭); (邓永乐); (陈志龙); (胡锋); (程超); (谢珏);
机构地区: 浙江大学医学院附属第一医院输血科,浙江杭州310000
出 处: 《中国输血杂志》 2017年第7期742-744,共3页
摘 要: 目的探讨与分析血型、性别、输血次数与血小板抗体阳性率的关系。方法对2016年1月1日-2016年12月31日5 745名输血患者进行固相凝集法检测血小板抗体,统计血小板抗体产生的阳性率,并进一步分析其与血型、性别、输血次数的关系。结果 5 745名输血患者中,血小板抗体阳性患者108名,总阳性率约1.87%。血小板抗体阳性血型无明显相关性,与性别有相关性,女性阳性率明显比男性高,此外与输血次数呈正比。结论输血等免疫因素刺激导致产生血小板抗体,输血次数越多,血小板抗体产生的概率越大,对于需反复多次输血治疗患者进行血小板抗体筛检,抗体阳性患者给予配型血小板输注治疗,从而能更好的提高血小板输注效率,保证临床治疗效果。 Objective To study the relation between the positive rate of platelet antibody and the frequency of platelet transfusion, the total quantity of platelet transfusion, the gender of patients, the blood group of patients through statistic analysis of the data gathered from patients. Methods A total of 5 745 results of platelet antibodies detection assay throughout the year of 2016 were gathered, and statistical relation between the positive rate of platelet antibody and the gender of patients,the blood group of patients and the frequency of platelet transfusion were analyzed. Results The results of platelet antibodies detection assay show that 108 patients were positive a- mong 5 745 patients, and the positive rate of platelet antibody was 1.87%. There were no relations between the positive rate of platelet antibody and the gender of patients or the blood group of patients, while the positive rate of platelet antibody and the frequency of platelet transfusion were positively correlated. Conclusion Platelet antibody production could impact the therapeutic effect of platelet transfusion. Patients with platelet antibodies should receive matching platelet to ensure the therapeutic effect.