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Anaerobic biodegradation of coking wastewater:Establishing the impact factors

作  者: (林柱东); (韦朝海); (梁丽琨); (吴超飞); (吴海珍); (朱爽);

机构地区: 华南理工大学环境与能源学院,广州510006

出  处: 《环境科学学报》 2017年第9期3316-3326,共11页

摘  要: 基于一系列焦化废水处理实地工程考察而尚未发现高浓度焦化废水厌氧产甲烷成功案例的实际问题,以广东韶钢焦化废水工程中COD为(4100±200)mg·L^(-1)的原水为研究对象,通过检测COD、TOC和苯酚等关键水质指标浓度变化及气体产量,以浓度梯度稀释的方法考察影响焦化废水厌氧降解的因素及其浓度阈值,主要涉及硫氰化物、苯酚、硫化物和氰化物,同时分析碳源结构改变所带来的厌氧降解特性的变异.结果发现:在pH为(7.0±0.5)、温度为(35.0±0.5)℃的条件下,当焦化废水COD被稀释至1500~1800 mg·L^(-1),接种活性污泥,能够检测到厌氧产甲烷的现象;在COD稀释至1800 mg·L^(-1)左右的焦化废水中分别投加不同浓度的硫氰化物、苯酚、硫化物和氰化物时,发现其单抑制浓度分别处在500~1500、1100~1250、200~250和30~40 mg·L^(-1);向未解除抑制的焦化废水(COD为2100 mg·L^(-1))中投加等COD浓度的乙酸钠、葡萄糖和甲醇3种常用的工业碳源改变原有的碳源结构时,发现乙酸型产甲烷菌的活性被抑制,而氢营养型产甲烷菌的活性并没受到明显抑制.上述研究结果说明,高浓度焦化废水难以厌氧降解,抑制因素的解除可以使厌氧菌激活,其中,氢营养型产甲烷菌较乙酸型产甲烷菌能够耐受更高的毒性物质浓度阈值. A series of full-scale practical applications of high concentration coking wastewater anaerobic biological treatment have shown no success in generating CH4. In this study, the raw coking wastewater with COD of (4100±200) mg·L-1 originating from the Shaogang coke production plant, Guangdong Province, China, was studied for the factors inhibiting anaerobic biodegradation, using the gradient dilution approach with the COD, TOC, phenol and bio-gas analyses. Concentrations of thiocyanide, phenol, sulfide, and cyanide were also considered as the limiting factors. The aberrance of anaerobic degradation performance, resulted from the changes in the component of carbon sources, were also studied. The results show satisfactory production of methane under the conditions of inoculated sludge at pH = 7.0±0.5, (35.0±0.5) ℃, and COD within the range of 1500- 1800 mg.L-1 .The inhibition concentrations of supplementary thiocyanide, phenol, sulfide and cyanide at the coking wastewater COD of 1800 mg·L-1 are in the range of 500 -1500, 1100- 1250, 200-250, and 30-40 mg·L-1, respectively. When three common industrial carbon sources, sodium acetate, glucose and methanol, were added to the coking wastewater at concentrations of 2100 mg· L-1 , the activity of acetate-utilizing methanogens was suppressed, while that of hydrogen-utilizing methanogens remained unchanged. In summary, anaerobic biodegradation of eoking wastewater is enhanced by alleviating the inhibiting factors. Among archaea, hydrogenotrophic methanogens tolerate higher threshold concentrations of toxicants than the acetate-utilizing methanogens.

关 键 词: 焦化废水 厌氧降解 活性抑制 苯酚 产甲烷




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