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Software Watermarking Scheme Based on Dynamic Graph Coding

作  者: (刘嘉怡); (燕雪峰);

机构地区: 南京航空航天大学计算机科学与技术学院,南京211106

出  处: 《计算机科学》 2017年第9期131-135,共5页

摘  要: 软件水印能够证明软件的相关信息。目前,软件水印算法大多基于经典的动态图软件水印算法——CT算法。该算法将水印分解为水印片段后,通过编码方案实现水印片段的嵌入。针对扩展的平面环路树(ExtendPPCT)编码方案改变了原平面环路树(PPCT)编码结构、水印隐蔽性较差以及节点易被删除攻击破坏的缺点,提出一种新的基于平面环路树(PPCT)和排序图的混合编码方式来实现成组地表达同余方程的模数和余数:PPCT枚举表达模数,对PPCT的叶子节点进行排序编码表达余数。这种成组编码方式使得嵌入软件中的水印片段减少了一半,对嵌入水印的程序的性能影响较小,水印的隐蔽性更强;并且这种编码方式不改变原PPCT的唯一外部回路,同时可抗击删减攻击。 The software watermark could prove the related information of software. At present, most of the watermar- king algorithms are based on the classical dynamic image watermarking algorithm CT algorithm. After the water- mark was decomposed into watermark segments, the watermarks were embedded by the coding scheme. Coding scheme of ExtendPPCT has changed the structure of PPCT, watermarked concealment is poor and nodes are easy to be re- moved. A new hybird encoding based on planted plane cubic tree and rank order encoding was put forward. The PPCT expresses modulus, and the leaves of PPCT sort coding expresses the remainder. This way on pair of encoding makes its segments of the watermark embedded software cut in half which have little effect on the embedded watermark and wa- termark hiding ability is stronger. The encoding did not change the only external loop of the original PPCT, at the same time this type of encoding could resist against reducing attack type.

关 键 词: 排序编码 平面环路树 动态图软件水印 混合编码 防篡改


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机构 中山大学岭南学院经济研究所
机构 深圳大学


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