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Analysis on Occupational Flow of Rural Married Female Labor Forces and its Effects on Income——A Case Study in Liaoning Province

作  者: (李旻); (王秋兵);

机构地区: 沈阳农业大学经济管理学院/农业资源与环境博士后流动站,辽宁沈阳110161

出  处: 《华中农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第5期79-86,共8页

摘  要: 以辽宁省的实地调研数据,从职业流动频率、流动方向、流动动因三个方面分析了已婚女性农民工的职业流动特征及其收入效应。结果表明,已婚女性农民工的职业流动频率不高,明显低于男性农民工;职业流动质量不高,多处于平行流动或未流动状态,向上流动较少;职业选择上处于劣势,多是被动流动。频繁的职业流动及向上流动对已婚女性农民工收入增长影响不显著,但主动流动有利于已婚女性农民工收入的增长。与已婚女性农民工相比,流动频率和流动方向对男性农民工收入增长影响显著,而主动流动对其收入增长影响不显著。因此,稳就业、增收入要重视已婚女性农民工的异质性特征,避免其陷入频繁流动和收入不增的恶性循环。 Based on the field survey data in Liaoning province,this paper analyzes the occupational flow of rural married female migrant workers and its effect on income from occupational flow frequency,flow direction and flow dynamics.The result shows that occupational flow frequency of rural married female migrant workers is low;the liquidity of occupational flow is significantly lower than men;the quality of occupational flow is low and most of the flow were parallel or no flow and seldom have upward flow.Their occupational flow mainly is passive,which shows the disadvantage in career choice.Frequent occupational flow is advantageous to the income growth of male migrant workers,but not significant to the income growth of married female migrant workers.Flow direction has no significant effect on the income growth of married female migrant workers,but upward flow is significant to the income growth of male migrant workers.Compared with passive flow,active flow is advantageous to the income growth of married female migrant workers,but not significant to the income growth of male migrant workers.Therefore,steady employment and income increase should focus on the heterogeneity of rural married female migrant workers so as to avoid the vicious cycle of frequent flow and income decline.

关 键 词: 已婚女性农民工 农民工家庭 职业流动性 农民工市民化 收入效应


作者 赵小仕
作者 刘小年
作者 钟兵
作者 陈茉莉
作者 顾江霞


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南师范大学经济与管理学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚