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An Analysis of Construction of the Party's Ability in Ideological Work from the Perspective of Comprehensively Strictly Governing the Communist Party of China

作  者: (孙绍勇);

机构地区: 上海交通大学马克思主义学院

出  处: 《东南学术》 2017年第5期1-8,共8页

摘  要: 中国共产党始终把意识形态作为长期执政、合法执政的生命线。党的十八大以来,意识形态工作被提到了全局性、战略性的高度。加强意识形态能力建设是对全球化市场化网络化的时代境遇、国家意识形态自身解释力辩护力的发展衍进,以及推进全面从严治党纵深发展的综合考量。着眼于党对意识形态领导权、管理权、话语权的有效掌控,意识形态能力建设集中体现在供给能力、整合能力、传播能力三个方面。从理论建树、实践作为、考核评价把握意识形态能力建设的实践要求,对于推进意识形态能力建设的深化、实化、细化,维护国家意识形态安全,具有审时度势、兴党强国的现实意义。 The Communist Party of China always regards ideology as the lifeline of long-term governance and legal governance.Since the 18th CPC National Congress,ideological work has been raised to the overall and strategic height.To strengthen the Party’s ability in ideological work is a comprehensive consideration of the circumstances in the era of globalization,marketization and internet world,the development and evolution of power of explanation and argument for national ideology as well as the promotion of comprehensive and strict governance of CPC in depth and breadth.For the effective control of the party's ideological leadership,management and discourse power,the ideological capacity construction is concentrated on the three aspects:supply capacity,integration capacity and transmission capacity.The practical requirements for grasping the ideological capacity construction by means of theoretical achievements,practical action and performance appraisal have realistic significance of correctly appraising the situation and making the Party prosperous and the country strong for the deepening,materialization and elaboration of ideological capacity construction and the safeguarding of national ideological security.

关 键 词: 意识形态能力 中国共产党 全面从严治党


作者 孙华
作者 王经伦
作者 黄惠丹
作者 曹天禄
作者 谢勇军


机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广州大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚