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On the Performance of Local Rules of Law and Its Evaluation System

作  者: (卢扬帆);

机构地区: 华南理工大学法学院,广东广州510640

出  处: 《学术界》 2017年第8期31-43,共13页

摘  要: 全面依法治国是国家治理现代化的必然要求。基于地方立法权扩容、地方法治竞争与其评价失范的背景,提出对地方法治的绩效及其评价机制进行研究。地方法治的绩效包括地方法治建设成效和地方法治的经济社会效益两层内涵,前者旨在提升地方乃至国家法治水平,后者旨在增强法治维护公共秩序、推动经济社会进步及人类自身发展的效能。地方法治的绩效评价研究内容:一是价值导向,即提倡一种"绩效型法治"理想,其本质为法治与绩效两套价值体系与实践要求的权衡及整合;二是评价内容,具体由地方立法、行政、司法与守法各环节绩效组成;三是评价机制,包括评价指标体系、组织模式、问责程序等。该项研究的重要意义:一是超越传统法治评估的功能,定位于民主范畴,服务于地方法治的公信力提升;二是提供法治中国建设的类型理想,即法治追求公平正义的同时也讲究经济效率;三是发挥评价技术理性,以评促改,针对性地提高地方法治绩效。 Comprehensively advancing the rule of law can be an essential requirement for state’s governance modernization. Based on the expansion of local legislative power,the competition of local rule of law construction and its evaluation disorder,this paper calls for researches on performance and evaluation system of local rule of law,which has two layers of meaning. One is performance in local rule of law construction,aiming to promote the local or national rule of law level; and the other is effectiveness of rule of law in maintaining public order,driving socio-economic progress as well as mankind’s development. There’re three contents for researches on local rule of law performance evaluation. The first is value orientation,namely to advocate a performance-oriented rule of law with its essence being the weighing and integration of two sets of value system and practice requirement from rule of law versus governance for performance.The second is evaluation contents,which concretely consist of performance in local legislature administration and jurisdiction etc. The third is evaluation system,which includes evaluation indicators,organization mechanism and accountability procedure. The important implications for these researches: firstly,it serves to promote the public trust and democracy in local rule of law and surpasses traditional rule of law assessments; secondly,it provides an ideal type for China’s rule of law construction,which stresses on economy and efficiency while pursuing social fairness and justice; lastly,it gives specific directions for promoting the local rule of law performance through rational technological analyses.

关 键 词: 地方法治 绩效评价 绩效型法治 价值导向 评价机制


作者 孙伟锋
作者 吴午东
作者 杨晓楠
作者 郭文哲
作者 杜月昇


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚