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Study on syndrome elements extraction and syndromes distribution of non-infectious convulsive disease based on factor analysis

作  者: (谭子虎); (陈延); (吴永贵); (李贤炜); (柳泓汉); (杨琼);

机构地区: 湖北省中医院

出  处: 《中华中医药杂志》 2017年第8期3435-3438,共4页

摘  要: 目的:借助因子分析提取非传染性痉病的证素,区别非传染性痉病与传染性疫痉的临床常见证型。方法:多中心收集痉病患者共237例,填写《痉病病例调查表》,录入四诊信息等资料,采用因子分析对中医四诊信息进行降维研究,提取证素。结果:共得到公因子8个,初步提取证素32个;选取积分靠前的病性及病位证素各5个,包括湿(严重)、痰与阴虚(明显)、阳亢与气虚(较轻),病位主要涉及肝,次为经络、脾、肾。结论:非传染类痉病以气阴亏虚为本,湿痰及阳亢为标,临床多见脾虚痰湿证、肝肾阴虚证及肝阳上亢证。 Objective: To extract the syndrome elements of non-infectious convulsive disease and differentiate the clinical syndrome of non-infectious convulsive disease and infectious plague spasm by factor analysis. Methods: Through filling in the form of case study of the disease, a total of 237 cases of spasm patients were collected in multi-centers, then a database was established, four diagnostic information were collected. The four diagnostic information of traditional Chinese medicine was studied by means of dimensionality reduction, syndrome elements were extracted by factor analysis. Results: 8 common factors and 32 syndrome elements were preliminarily extracted; 5 forward syndrome elements according integration of disease location and disease nature, including wet(seriously), sputum and yin deficiency(obviously), yang hyperactivity and qi deficiency(lighter), mainly located in liver, collateral channels, spleen and kidney. Conclusion: The root of non-infectious convulsive disease is based on the deficiency of qi and yin, while the incidental symptoms were yang hyperactivity, wet and sputum accumulation. Clinical symptom types contain syndrome of phlegm-dampness due to spleen deficiency, syndrome of yin deficiency of liver and kidney, and syndrome of upper hyperactivity of liver yang.

关 键 词: 痉病 因子分析 证素 证型 非传染性


作者 王乐夫
作者 邝邦洪


机构 广东技术师范学院


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