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The Development of New Security Concept and its Important Implication

作  者: (黄昭宇); (王卓宇);

出  处: 《和平与发展》 2015年第6期61-81,共21页

摘  要: 当今世界,大战的威胁减弱,战争之外的安全问题纷繁复杂,扩展到人类社会生活的一切领域,突破各种新老安全屏障,对国家、个人等所有行为体构成安全威胁。鉴于安全形势的不确定性,必须建构一种新的安全观,在超越传统的国家中心、权力和利益至上、强力压服的零和安全观之基础上,确立跨时空的大视野、符合人作为自然一分子和社会最活跃角色的价值标准及系统化的大战略观。新安全观旨在认识和把握平衡发展的安全本质,综合考量国家力量部署、各种谋略及手段联系而又有分别的使用。其目标是,在国家内部的社会各领域实现综合安全,在世界各种行为体之间、人与大自然之间实现共同安全,以确保现实安全及其基础上的未来持久和平,最终实现无界限的循环安全。 In today's world,although the possibility of a large scale war is dwindling, security issues, except for wars, are complicated and many, which have permeated into every aspect of human social life and broken through various old and new security barriers, threatening the security of all entities including states and individual human beings. Given the huge scale of the security problem and its risks, we should develop a new security concept, which should transcend the traditional security concept characterized by state-centrism, paramount of power and interest, coercion and zero-sum, and be a grand systemized strategy characterized by a broad vision that transcends both time and space, and accords with the value standards of human both as natural and social beings. The implications of the new security concept include: identify and grasp the security essence of balanced development, while making a comprehensive consideration of state power deployment and application of strategies and tactics both jointly and individually, the purpose of which is to bring about comprehensive security within the society of every state, common security among all entities of the world and between man and nature, and in the end the boundless cycle security based on real security and lasting peace.

关 键 词: 新安全观 跨时空观 人性化价值观 循环安全


作者 白庆哲
作者 惠耕田
作者 姜安
作者 丁新科
作者 李辰民


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东工业大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚