作 者: ;
机构地区: 中山大学图书馆
出 处: 《图书馆论坛》 2016年第3期75-82,共8页
摘 要: 文章采用文献分析法、列举法以及点面结合的方法,选取钱曾、黄丕烈、张金吾、孙星衍、潘祖荫、瞿庸等著名藏书家和目录学家撰写的代表性藏书志进行研究。在综述清代以前的重要藏书目录的基础上,归纳出清初版本目录的编撰与成就,通过版本考订、序跋、存藏、校勘、小传和内容提要等书志要素的著录情况来分析对比清中期和晚清时期各私家藏书志的侧重点和异同点,分别总结出这两段时期私人藏书志的编撰特点和成就,最后将这三个阶段的书志特点进行总结对比,归纳出清代私人藏书志的总体编撰情况与成就。 Using literature review, enumeration, case study and summary, this paper discusses the representa- tive bibliographies written by private bibliophiles and bibliographers such as QIAN Zeng, HUANG Pi-lie, ZHANG Jin-wu, SUN Xing-yan, PAN Zu-yin, QU Yong. At first, it provides a literature review of bibliographies written before the Qing Dynasty. Then, it introduces the writing and the accomplishment of textual bibliographies in early Qing dynasty. By comparing the focuses, differences and similarities of private bibliophiles from middle Qing dynasty and late Qing dynasty in edition evaluation, prefaces and postscripts, provenance, proofreading, biogra- phy and content summary, a summary is made about the writing features and achievements of those bibliographies. Finally, the paper sums up characteristics of the bibliographies in the three periods and the features and achieve- ments of private bibliographies in Qing dynasty.
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