作 者: ;
机构地区: 南方科技大学
出 处: 《商丘师范学院学报》 2006年第6期 8-12,共5页
摘 要: 人是一种生成的存在物,人没有固定不变的本质,人的本质是不断生成的。自然人是人生成的基础,社会人是人生成的状态,文化人是人生成的理想,这三种特性共存于每个现实的个人身上,其结构比例在人身上的表现构成了每个人的现实存在。学文化知识,做文化人就是向人的本质自我生成。 Human beings is a generating existent being with on fixed innate character and the nature of human beings is constantly changing, Natural man is the base of the generation of man and social man is a state of human beings' development and cultural man is the ideal of human development. The three features coexsit in every human being in the real world, and the proportion of which demonstrated in each person consists the reality in everybody. To acquire knowledge and to be a cultural man is the self- development of human beings.
分 类 号: [C912.4]
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