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作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学

出  处: 《中国电化教育》 2014年第6期61-68,共8页

摘  要: 自上世纪80年代开始,微型课程开发在世界许多国家逐步兴起。基于已有研究成果,该文梳理并阐明新兴微型课程开发的三种模式,认为微课程开发呈现出从校本模式到信息化模式再到整合模式的发展演变走向。微型课程开发的校本模式聚焦于班级层面,对校本课程开发进行深化拓展和吐故纳新;信息化模式紧跟教育信息化的潮流,充分利用先进的信息技术,凸显微型课程开发的信息化取向;整合模式则超越校本模式和信息化模式,呼应学习化社会的发展,追求以人的学习为本的信息技术和课程开发的双向整合,最终创生出新的信息化课程文化。 Since the 1980s, the micro curriculum development(MCD)have gradually risen in many countries around the world. Based on the existing research results, this article clarifies the emerging three models of MCD, presenting from school-based model to informatization model and then to integrated model. MCD of school-based model focuses on the class level, to deepen and innovate school-based curriculum development; Informatization model keeps up with the tide of education informatization, makes full use of advanced information and communication technology(ICT), highlights informatization oriented of MCD; Integrated model is beyond school-based model and informatization model, conforming to the development of The Learning Society, pursuing learning orientation, information technology and curriculum development bidirectional integration, and ultimately creating the new informatization curriculum culture.

关 键 词: 微型课程开发 校本模式 信息化模式 整合模式

分 类 号: [G434]

领  域: []


