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Measurement and Analysis on Professionals' Political Support in China:Taking Guangzhou as a Case

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学公共管理学院

出  处: 《武汉大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2017年第1期97-107,共11页

摘  要: 民众政治支持是政权合法性和社会稳定的源泉。自由职业者群体是近年来中国社会阶层结构中的新鲜成分,由于其规模迅速扩大、教育程度和经济社会地位高,自由职业者政治支持状况是一个重要的学术命题和现实课题。本文构建了中国语境下自由职业者政治支持测量的概念模型与指标体系,并以广州为考察对象进行问卷调查。有三个重要研究发现:一是普遍支持与特定支持之间显著相关。二是普遍支持主要受社会人口属性和高政治取向的影响,与低政治取向无关;特定支持主要受社会人口属性和低政治取向的影响,与高政治取向无关。三隐性支持与显性支持之间不具有统计上的相关性。 Political support from citizens is the source of regime legitimacy and social stability. In recent years, professionals group is a fresh ingredient of China social class, because its rapid expansion of the scale, high level of education and socioeconomic status, political support from Professionals will have an important impact on other social classes. Therefore, political support from Professionals is becoming an important academic topic and realistic subject. The main issues of this paper are: what are the factors influencing Professionals' political support? What is the relationship between general support and specific support, implicit support and explicit support? What are the implications of Professionals' political support for government policy-making? Using the theoretical framework of political support from David Easton and Russell J. Dalton, this paper constructs a measure indicator system of Professionals' political support in the Chinese context and designs a questionnaire. Taking Guangzhou as the object of investigation, we sent out 1200 questionnaires and recycled 840 questionnaires. The response rate is 70%the reliability test of the internal consistency of this questionnaire (Cronbach's a) is 0. 67 and meets the research needs. There are three important findings of this study:Firstly, there is a significant positive correlation between the general support and the specific support, which indicates that Professionals' evaluation on government policy will directly influence their evaluations on political system, and vice versa; Secondly, Professionals' general support mainly affected by social demographic attributes in the category of "education status", "political status" and high political orientation in the category of "the attitude on election", but not affected by low political orientation; Professionals ’specific support is mainly affected by the social population attribute in the category of "education status", "religion", "personal income" a

关 键 词: 自由职业者 政治支持 显性支持 隐性支持

领  域: []


作者 韩莹莹
作者 黎相宜
作者 熊威
作者 程敏英
作者 赵凯航


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学管理学院
机构 华南农业大学外国语学院
