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作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学公共管理学院

出  处: 《地域研究与开发》 2007年第3期 36-40,共5页

摘  要: 以新兴边贸城市崇左市为研究对象,采用Theil系数法和量图分析法分析了1985年以来崇左市县域经济发展水平差异程度演变及空间差异现状。通过研究发现:(1)1985年以来县域经济发展水平差异程度变化可以分为4个阶段,1985—1992年为差异逐渐增加且增加速度逐渐加快的阶段;1993—1997年为差异逐渐增加但增加速度有所降低的阶段;1998—2000为差异程度相对稳定阶段;但到2001年出现急剧增加达到整个研究期县域差异程度最大值后进入逐步降低阶段。(2)可以将崇左市各县域经济发展水平分成3种类型。江州区、凭祥市和扶绥县属于先进类型,龙州县为中等类型,大新、天等和宁明县属于落后类型。最后根据崇左市面临的发展机遇及区位优势,提出了崇左市县域经济开发对策和建议。 Selected Chongzuo City as research region, this paper studied the evolvement of intercounty inequality and spatial difference status based on Theil index and quantity-fig method respectively. The results showed that: (1) The research period was divided four phrases according to Theil index. The first phrase is from 1985 to 1992, characterized as accelerated difference degree of economical development level. The second phrase is from 1993 to 1997, in this phrase the difference degree increased with a lower changing rate. The third phrase is from 1998 to 2000 in which the Theil index is relatively stable and then step into the fourth phrase with decreased Theil index after having a sharp increase in 2001, (2) Through analysis of quantity-fig method, we can divide the research area into three types, i.e. advanced counties, including Jiangzhou District, Pingxiang City and Fusui County; middle counties, including Longzhou County; depressed counties, including Daxin, Tiandeng and Ningming Counties. At Last, based on the location advantage and the coming development chance, some countermeasures and advices were given in the paper.

关 键 词: 边贸城市 县域经济 空间差异 崇左市

分 类 号: [F127]

领  域: []


