作 者: ;
机构地区: 华南理工大学
出 处: 《产业经济研究》 2014年第4期1-12,共12页
摘 要: 当代国际分工的突出特征是以“内部化”和“外包”两种方式开展的“产品内分工”不断深化。在外包方式中,欠发达国家作为发包方从发达国家进口中间产品的“逆向外包”最近才进入研究视野。本文通过三个方面的理论分析得到一些关于“逆向外包”的理论命题:首先以Romer的中间产品模型为基础,针对逆向外包模式的逆向特征、阶段性、先决条件等进行讨论;进而基于一般化企业租金与全球价值链租金理论分析了逆向外包分工中的租金来源;并从“获得在位权”、“横向拓展”、“纵向拓展”、“链间超越”四个层面探讨了欠发达国家的逆向外包策略以及产业升级路径,重点针对链间升级的多层次性进行了创新性讨论。文章以中国本土手机品牌的发展历程和逆向外包现象为案例,对得到的理论命题进行了验证,同时得到针对欠发达国家逆向外包以及价值链升级的启示。 The most outstanding feature of international specialization is the deepening of "intra-product specialization"which carry out in two modes, i.e. internalization and outsourcing. There is a kind of outsourcing causing people's attentionrecently called "adverse outsourcing" which means developing countries source intermediate products from developed coun-tries. This article makes a theoretical analysis on adverse outsourcing, at first we construct the theoretical model on the basis ofRomer( 1986), then analyse the rules in allocation of rents of global value chain, and discuss the path of industrial upgradingof developing countries. The article put forward some hypothesis about characteristics of adverse outsourcing, then tests themby case analysis on China's mobile phone industry and get some inspiration on adverse outsourcing and industrial upgrading ofdeveloping countries.
关 键 词: 逆向外包 全球价值链 租金分配 产业升级 升级路径
分 类 号: [F062.9]
领 域: []