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作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

出  处: 《技术经济与管理研究》 2010年第5期 95-98,共4页

摘  要: 从Caves(1974)开始,外商直接投资(FDI)的技术外溢效应逐渐成为研究热点。然而对FDI技术外溢效应的实证分析并没有获得一致结论,这使得学者们进一步深入探讨影响FDI技术外溢效应的各种因素。可以将FDI技术外溢效应的影响因素分为环境因素与企业因素两类。本文围绕环境因素,将现有相关研究进行了归类与回顾,包括吸收能力、技术差距、空间距离、市场竞争、开放程度等。本文的研究表明FDI技术外溢效应受到很多作用力完全相反的因素影响,因此对于不同研究对象,会得到不同的结论。这需要我们更加细致和具体地研究。在机理分析上需深化对影响因素相互作用时的预期效应的研究,在实证分析上需针对目前还没有被实证检验或结论仍模糊的因素的研究;同时,实证研究的科学性需建立在合适的数据集和合适的实证方法之上。对国内研究来说,则需要加大企业层面(动态)面板数据的运用。 Since Caves(1974), the technology spiUover effects come from Foreign Direct Investment has been a focus of researches. However, the experience analyses on the spiUover effects have not got a unified results and this made the researchers kept on discussing on the factors that influence the spillover effects. In the existed literature, these factors can be classified into two ranges: environment factors and enterprise factors. The article have a review on existed literatures which analysis the environment factors such as absorb capability, technology gap, distance, market competition, open policy, etc. This article shows that the spillover effects are influenced by many factors which have completely contra direction of influences, therefore we could get different results according to different samples and which need more complicated researches. On the field of mechanism researches we should analysis the antipate results on the interactions between different factors, and on the field of experience researches we should continue analysis the factors which have not been discovered or have not been analysis unambiguitely. At the same time, the experience analysis should been built on proper data and methods. For the native researches, we need more dynamic panel data researches build on finn level data.

关 键 词: FDI 技术外溢 环境因素 东道国

分 类 号: [F038.3]

领  域: []


