作 者: ;
机构地区: 华南师范大学
出 处: 《体育学刊》 2011年第3期 103-104,共2页
摘 要: 修改后的日本初中学校体育《学习指导要领》在体育课程目标、体育课程水平目标和体育课程运动项目内容方面都有所变化。这种变化呈现三大特征:一是科学性更强;二是指导性更强;三是适用性更强。 The revised Outline of Learning Instructions used for physical education in junior high schools in Japan is somewhat changed in terms of objectives of the physical education curriculum, level objectives of the physical education curriculum, and sports events in the physical education curriculum. Such changes present three major characteristics, namely, more scientific, more instructive: and more applicable.
分 类 号: [G807.3]
领 域: []