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作  者: ;

机构地区: 岭南师范学院

出  处: 《广州体育学院学报》 2011年第1期 96-101,共6页

摘  要: 对粤西城乡30所学校的2197名中小学生进行了问卷调查,以了解其课外体育活动参与特征与需求现状。研究表明,粤西城乡中小学生课外体育活动以骨骼力量项目为主,肌肉力量项目缺乏。课外以中等强度运动为主,但大部分学生体育活动不足。近半数的学生锻炼行为处于"行动阶段"。无组织的个人随意活动及与同伴一起活动是其主要的课外运动形式与方式。近四分之三的学生近一年参加过至少1次有组织的体育竞赛;校运会的参赛比例最大,但覆盖面不大。9成以上学生希望有更多课外运动时间,近7成学生渴望有人指导其参加课外体育活动,尤其是乡镇高中生。 The aims of this study were to survey the requirement and participant situation of extracurricular sporting activities among 2197 students of primary and middle school within 30 schools of urban and rural areas in western Guangdong by questionnaire.The results indicated that bone-strengthening events were the main sports for children and adolescents in western Guangdong while lacking of muscle-strengthening activities.Most students couldn't't meet the Physical Activity Guidelines for Children and Adolescents.Exercise behavior of nearly half of the subjects were found in "Action Stage".The exercise participation was found not enough for most children and adolescents although they did non-organized exercises with partners in moderate intensity commonly.Three quarters of students participated in at least one organized competition in last year.The rate of participation in school sport game was the most comparing with other individual event competition but only fewer students participating.More than 90% of students desired more time for sport out of school.The results showed that nearly 70% of children and adolescents were anxious for instructions for their out-of-school exercise from instructors.Over 70% of high school students were eager for the instruction.

关 键 词: 运动强度 活动水平 体育竞赛参与 锻炼需求 青少年

分 类 号: [G807.04]

领  域: []


