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The Changing of Local Educational System and Transmission of Confucian Teaching in the Ming and Qing Period

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南农业大学

出  处: 《江西教育学院学报》 2004年第6期79-82,共4页

摘  要:  明清时期,吉安府地方教育体系呈现出由官办为主向民办为主的演变趋势。明初,吉安府地方教育以官学为主,社学为辅。明中叶后,官学的教学功能逐渐衰减,儒学的传承主要由民办为主的书院与讲会来承担。社学与义学、族学大多以启蒙教育为主。明代盛行一时的社学,入清后逐渐为义学、族学所取代,反映了基层启蒙教育的民间化趋势。民办教育机构逐渐占据了地方教育机构的主导地位,从而为儒学的创新与发展提供了制度化的保障与基础。 The tendency over the Ming and Qing period for local educational system to turn from an officially managed system to apopularly managed one was the principle tendency.In the early Ming period,the government school played the primary role,and the local schools were the assistance.From the mid-Ming period on,the educational functions of the government schools declined,increasingly taken over by academies and lecture associations.Local schools,charitable school,lineage schools were the elementary educational organiazations.The local schools which had been active for a time in the Ming period,gradually replaced by the charitable schools and lineage school in the Qing period,reflecting the tendencies towards'populariation'of elementary education.The tendency for the local educational organizations were managed by the populace which supplied the base for the developing of the Confucian.

关 键 词: 地方教育 吉安 社学 启蒙教育 民办 义学 官学 明清时期 体系 演变趋势

领  域: [] []


作者 蒋素芝
作者 刘小东
作者 刘雪河
作者 段玉明
作者 谭玲


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学文学院历史学系
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学文学院
