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Water Conservancy Ecological and Development of Shatian(沙田) in the Pearl River Delta of the Republic of China——Focusing on the region of Pingsha(平沙) in Zhongshan county

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南农业大学

出  处: 《中国农史》 2013年第5期89-98,共10页

摘  要: 民国时期,珠江三角洲沙田争夺日益激烈,在传统的垦沙权、经营权、护沙权的争夺之外,又有沙田水利之争。随着珠江三角洲围垦区的不断推进,新沙田区的淡水资源也日趋紧张。位于珠江三角洲下游的平沙地区,围垦开发自1930年代渐趋活跃。由于土壤含盐量高,故淡水资源和咸害是制约该地农业生产的重要因素。1940年代末,沙田业主因水利问题发生纷争而诉讼至官。此一个案反映了民国后期,沙田开发者利益不均衡,往往各自为政,而政府考虑的只是短期内扩大垦区,解决粮荒问题,对沙田地区的水利与开发没有长远的规划,以致于无法协调淡水资源的分配,从而延缓了土地开发进程。 In the Pearl River Delta, besides the conflicts about the rights of cultivation and management and protection of the Shatian, the water conservancy disputes were getting intense in the period of the Republic of China. The source of fresh water in the new Shatian( 沙田 ) region became intense while the reclamation area enlarged continuously. The region of Pingsha located in the downstream of the Pearl River Delta which devel- oped very quickly in 1930s. Due to high salinity in the soil, the source of freshwater and salty harm are the im- portant elements for the agriculture development. In the late 1940s, the owners of Shatian ( 沙田 ) in Pingsha region were fiercely in dispute therefore they resorted to the local authorities. The case in this paper reflects that the owners of Shatian ( 沙田) acted in their own self-interest, and the government were only paying close attention to extend reclamation areas, they had no long-term planing in the water conservancy development. These situations led to unable to coordinate the allocation of fresh water resources and delaying the land devel- opment process.

关 键 词: 水利 生态 沙田开发 珠江三角洲

领  域: [] []


作者 衷海燕
作者 苏泽群
作者 丁建
作者 梁姗姗
作者 谢湜


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广州体育学院
