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作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学公共管理学院

出  处: 《自然辩证法研究》 2015年第11期37-41,共5页

摘  要: 复杂性突现理论在以下三个方面极大的发展了以英国突现主义和贝塔朗菲机体论为代表的整体论的核心概念和思想。(1)复杂性突现机制为整体或整体性质的产生提供了新的科学证据,为整体性与突现性之间的关系提供了说明,突现得以获得科学和哲学的“概念身份”;(2)复杂性突现的理论为整体具有下向因果关系提供了本体论辩护。(3)计算机模拟突现消解了突现现象的神秘性,又在一定程度上坚持了突现的不可预测性以及突现层次的自主性,为整体论提供了一种弱解释进路。 The emergence theory of complexity has greatly, in the following three aspects, developed the core concepts and thoughts of holism represented by the British Emergentism and Bertalanffy's Organism theory. (1)The revelation of emergence mechanism provides new evidence for the gen- eration of a new whole or holistic property, and it also provides illustration for the relation between holism and emergence, thus the emergence gains a "conceptual identity" in science and philosophy. (2)The emergence theory of complexity provides new proof for the debate, enabling many philoso- phers of science of complexity to ontologically defend that the emergent new whole owns "downward causation". (3)The computer simulation of emergence phenomenon offers philosophers a new perspective and approach to epistemologically comprehend the autonomy of Holistic, and supplies a new approach to the explanation that contains and surpasses reductionism.

关 键 词: 整体论 突现机制 下向因果关系 计算机模拟

分 类 号: [N031]

领  域: []


