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作  者: ;

机构地区: 顺德职业技术学院

出  处: 《当代青年研究》 2016年第5期54-60,共7页

摘  要: 众多词语在经历从传统到现代社会的转型中,产生了语义的流变。以网络热词“婊”字为例,分析其经过污名化、泛污名化和自我污名化等阶段所产生的语义流变时发现,在其成为网络热词过程中,男权社会传统对女性的道德规训,资本逻辑下的女性被商品化,现代性风险社会的信任危机,网络技术的病毒式传播方式是推动“婊”字广泛传播、使用并产生语义流变的文化、社会、心理和技术根源。“婊”的语义流变及使用,反映了消费这一网络词语的主力群体——青年,其内在对个人品格重建诚信的呼唤,对人际关系倡导友善的诉求,对市场规则公平正义的匡正愿望。 With the transition from tradition to modern society, many words have changed their semantics. Takingthe word “Bitch” as an example, after stigmatized, stigma and self-stigma stage, its semantic has changed. Withtraditional moral discipline to the women in the patriarchal society, women commercialized by the capital logic, risksociety trust crisis of modernity, the network technology of viral transmission way are all the reasons which includecultural, social, psychological and technology aspects, which promote “Bitch” to be widely used and generatesemantic change. “Bitch” semantic change and using reflect the values of the young who are the main consumptionof network, whose values are immanent rebuilding integrity of the individual character call, to advocate the friendlyappeal of human relationships, and to correct the desire of market rules fair justice.

关 键 词: 污名化 网络 青年

分 类 号: [C913.5]

领  域: []


