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作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学

出  处: 《开放教育研究》 2015年第1期17-33,共17页

摘  要: 知识建构领域研究者认为知识建构不仅包括个体的知识获得,更强调共同学习者的知识细化、知识创新和知识发展,并提出知识建构中关于观念、社区和手段的十二条原则。为了对混合式灵活课程( HyFlex)中在线学习的知识建构过程进行分析,研究小组根据知识建构的基本观点和原则,建立了在线学习对话分类表,从观念改进、公共知识发展和资源应用三个维度对在线对话过程和内容进行分析。通过分析四门课程每次教学的视频记录、文本聊天记录和语音对话记录,本研究根据对话发出方、接收方和对话类型形成对话交互矩阵,然后结合对话矩阵及内容分析,形成在线知识建构过程中质性资料的量化统计数据、内容分析数据和社会网络分析参数等。基于这些数据对观念改进、公共知识发展和资源应用三个维度分析的结果显示,在线学习成员能积极主动地承担公共知识建构的集体责任,用“回答问题”及“反馈和评论”方式促进社区的知识发展;彼此间平等对话,呈现开放均衡的交互形态,相互依存地进行学习;开展的对话平等而有效,所有成员在其中发展自身的观点,实现了知识创新;积极分享资源,并建议和分享应用的经验和方法,促进了实践中建构性地利用资源。可见,创新、相互依存和公平参与在本研究中所分析的在线知识建构中得以实现,并成为其鲜明的特色。 Researchers of Knowledge Building think the process of knowledge building is not only a process of individ-ual knowledge acquisition, but also a process of common knowledge development, idea creation and knowledge refine-ment. They stated 12 rules of knowledge building about idea, community and method. In order to figure out the char-acter of knowledge building process about HyFlex course, this research set dialog classification based on the knowledge building theory and analyzed the thread process on idea improvement, community knowledge and constructive use of authoritative sources. The process of research is listed in the six steps below:1)Recode the process of online learning in each class of four HyFlex courses including a video oftheteaching process, text of discussion in chat window and audio of rural dialogue. 2)According to the time sequence of each classes, trace all the conversation on dialogue initiator, dialogue accepter and dialogue type, then record those dates in an interactive matrix. 3) Calculate sum, distribution and percentage of five-kind dialogues, generate social interactive parameters, and visualized interactive pattern. 4 ) Do content analysis of the dialogue content based on the classification of dialogue. 5) Figure out how thestudent acted during HyFlex online learning on idea improvement, exchange thought and opinion equally and fairly and construc-tively use of resource based on date from step 2 to 4. 6) Summarize the features of online learning in HyFlex. Findings in this research include: a ) learner in HyFlex could take the learning collective responsibility during online learning process by the means of asking question and giving feedback or comment;b) dialogues among learners happened equally and showed open and equipotent patterns, so learning interdependently happened in community;c) all learners engaged in learning process actively and equally as inDegree and outDegree in social network analysis showed, and expressed and clarified their opinions and thou

关 键 词: 在线学习 知识建构 知识创新 相互依存 公平参与

分 类 号: [G434]

领  域: []


