作 者: ;
机构地区: 华南理工大学
出 处: 《心理科学进展》 2012年第7期1052-1061,共10页
摘 要: 团队学习是指团队成员通过互动不断获取、整合与分享知识,并在此基础上改善行为、优化团队体系,提升组织适应性以达到组织目标的过程。在文献研究的基础上,介绍了团队学习的概念内涵和性质、理论基础、结构与测量,并且探讨了团队学习的影响因素、影响效应模型及作用机制,最后指出了团队学习研究应继续理清概念内涵的界定、结构与测量工具的开发、系统模型的构建扩充、影响效应的结果变量和跨文化扩展研究等问题。 Team learning is an interaction process which team members improve behavior performance, optimize team system and improve organizational flexibility based on constantly acquiring, processing, sharing knowledge and information to achieve expected organization goals. This article reviews integrate and extract key point from recent researches of team learning, then comprehensively introducing the concept, character, theory, dimension, measurement, and discussing the factors, the effect and the mechanic role of team learning At the end of the this article we point out that future research should still focus on the definition of team learning, developing more measurement tools and systematic models, expanding the effect of outcome variable and cross-cultural background research in China.
分 类 号: [B849 C93]