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Theorizing Gender in the Context of Sport—The Construction of Women's Sports Studies within Feminist Paradigm

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学

出  处: 《体育科学》 2014年第7期3-11,共9页

摘  要: 在文献调研基础上比较了传统体育社会学研究范式——实证主义范式、激进主义批判论、新马克思主义范式、解释主义范式以及文化研究范式对女性体育以及体育中性别权力关系的诠释,阐述了其各自特点。在批判的基础上,引入了女性主义研究范式,在结合研究实践的基础上,提出了要建立真正符合女性自身特点与利益的女性体育研究范式需要从认识论、方法论、理论进行重新构建:1)从认识论来看,女性主义体育研究要求回答的不是"什么是体育知识",而是"为谁的体育知识",这应该成为女性体育研究的出发点与目的;2)从方法论来看,女性主义体育研究要求从女性立场出发,以女性自我经验为基础,结合具体情境,采取多元的研究方法从女性在体育运动中细微的、具体的、日常琐事的、真实的经历与感受来揭示体育中的性别权力关系;3)从理论来看,要避免以"男性主义"为核心的体育理论知识体系和视角来观察和解释关于女性体育的现象与意义,更需要从研究实践中发掘并产生关于女性体育新的理论,这应该成为女性体育研究的一个重要发展方向,也是推动我国女性体育研究发展的动力。 Based on literature review, this article compares the traditionally sociological research paradigms: positivist paradigm, radical critique, neo-Marxist paradigm, social definition paradigm, cultural studies paradigm, and their interpretations on women and gender relations in the context of sport. By rethinking and criticizing the limitation of these research paradigms to the studies of women' s sport, it introduces feminist paradigm, which is designed for doing research on behalf of women's own characteristics and interests. This research paradigm attempts to reconstruct women's sports studies through epistemology, methodology and theories that related to feminism: 1 ) epistemologically, it requires feminist sports studies to answer "what the sports knowledge is for" but not "what the sports knowledge is", which question should be the starting point of doing feminist sports research 2) methodologically, it requires feminist sports studies, on the women's standing points, to rediscover the real gender power relations through exploring the concrete, detailed and real experiences and feelings of women in the specific context of sport;3) theoretically,feminists sports studies should avoid observing and interpreting women's sports phenomenon and meanings by using men-centered sports knowledge and theoretical perspectives. New sport theories for women should be developed through empirical studies, and it is the direction as well as the forces to the further development of women's sport studies.

关 键 词: 女性主义 体育社会学 研究范式 认识论 方法论 理论

领  域: []


作者 熊欢
作者 熊欢
作者 王宏维
作者 钟文正
作者 冯培明


机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学体育科学学院
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院哲学系
机构 广州体育学院
