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作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南农业大学

出  处: 《华南农业大学学报:社会科学版》 2013年第4期118-124,共7页

摘  要: 晚清时期的域外书写,发生于鸦片战争之后,西学东渐之际,在这一变局下,晚清人的域外写作发生了不同于古典域外书写的近代转型:其一,体现为现代地球观念的形成,即从“中国天下”观转向现代地理观;其二,体现为“夷夏之辨”观念的转换,即从“华夷之别”转向“天下一家”;其三,体现为书写心态的转换,即从追求异国情调到着重于问政求学;晚清域外书写具备了丰富的现代内涵与文化意味,成为触摸晚清士人思想嬗变的重要文本。 The writing in the late Qing Dynasty occurs after the Opium War, and the Eastward spread of Western Culture. In this situation, the writing of the late Qing Dynasty, there was a modern transformation which was different from the classical foreign writing: first, it is a manifestation of the formation of modern earth idea, namely from "China the world" concept to the modern geographical concept; secondly, it reflects the change from "the Distinction between Minority and Han Nation" to "we are the world" ideas; thirdly, it reflects the conversion of writing mentality, namely from the pursuit of exotic to focus on discussing politics and pursuing studies abroad. The writing in the late Qing Dynasty has the modern connotation and profound Chinese culture, become important texts in studying the late Qing Dynasty thought evolution.

关 键 词: 晚清 域外书写 地理认知 文化观 思想嬗变

分 类 号: [K252]

领  域: []


