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Accelerated Priming Effect of Chinese L1 Intralexical Knowledge in English Collocational Processing

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学

出  处: 《外语与外语教学》 2017年第1期60-72,共13页

摘  要: 本研究通过在线词判断任务考察了母语知识在中国学生加工不同二语搭配类型中的加速启动效应,并与本族语者的结果进行了比对。搭配材料选自BNC,COCA,CLEC英-美-中三个典型语料库共90对,分三类搭配类型(双语一致、英语独有、汉语独有)。另有90对"语义无关"基线词对作为参照组和330对非词词对作为实验填充项。研究对三类搭配类型的判断反应时间和错误率进行了对比分析,发现无论是英语本族语者还是中国英语学习者,都会在判断与自己母语搭配不符的词对时消耗更长的加工时间;但对双语一致的搭配判断最快,其次是母语独有的搭配,表现出母语知识的同译效应,即:双语一致﹥母语独有﹥二语独有。中国英语学生对三类搭配的加工时间均要长于本族语者。实验结果验证了母语媒介的存在、母语知识的加速启动效应和语言习得顺序效应。论文最后对英语搭配教学提出了建议。 This study compared the accelerated priming effect of L1 intralexical knowledge on the processing of congruent( sharing the same meaning and structure in L1 language) collocations and incongruent( not equivalent in either L1 or L2 construction) collocations between English native speakers and advanced Chinese learners of English via online primed lexical decision tasks. The test materials were carefully chosen from two English corpora( BNC and COCA) and one Chinese learner English corpus( CLEC),including four types of collocations:( i) 30 collocations with equivalent translations in both English and Chinese( E = C),( ii) 30 collocations that were acceptable in English but not in Chinese( E-only),( iii) 30 collocations that were acceptable in Chinese but not in English( C-only),and( iv) 90 unrelated item for baseline data. There were another 330 pairs of non-w ords as fillers chosen from ARC. The results of RT and ER show ed that,both L1 speakers and L2 learners spent much longer time on the processing of their L2-specific collocations but shorter time on C = E collocations: C = E ﹥ L1-only ﹥ L2-only,indicating the same-translation effect of L1 intralexical knowledge; L2 learners spent longer time on all the collocation types. The findings confirmed the L1-mediation effect( Jiang,2000),the accelerated priming effect of L1 intralexical knowledge,and the effect of Oo A( order of acquisition). Pedagogical implications were discussed to end the paper.

关 键 词: 搭配加工 搭配类型 母语知识 加速启动效应

领  域: []


作者 胡兵
作者 俞建耀
作者 吴庄
作者 林有苗
作者 周娉嫌


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学华文学院
