作 者: ;
机构地区: 华南师范大学历史文化学院
出 处: 《史学集刊》 2008年第3期 8-12,共5页
摘 要: 张家山汉简中的婚姻禁令大致可分为两个方面,一是有关通婚范围的禁令,包括禁与逃亡者为婚、禁奴与主婚配、禁异国通婚等内容;二是有关婚姻伦理的禁令,包括禁通奸、禁悉报等内容。这些禁令既对当时的婚姻嫁娶有强烈的规范意义,又对后世的婚姻立法产生了重大的影响。 The marriage prohibitions in Zhangjiashan bamboo ed into two parts, one is about the marriage limits, the other slips of Han Dynasty(张家山汉简) can be divided about the marriage ethics. The former eomprises three aspects, it is prohibited to marry a fugitive or a foreigner, and a slave is not permitted to marry his or her owner. The latter comprises two aspects, adultery and zhengbao(烝报, marrying father's concubine after one' s father died, the younger brother marrying eider bother' s wife after the latter died or nephew marrying uncle's wife after the latter died)are forbidden. These prohibitions regulated marriage strongly at that time and had much influence on the subsequent marriage laws.
分 类 号: [K234]
领 域: []