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作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学经贸学院

出  处: 《规划师》 2011年第10期 76-80,共5页

摘  要: 近年来,广东省在社会主义新农村建设过程中,积极推进村庄规划编制和村庄整治工作,取得了一定成绩。但由于缺乏相应的理论指导和科学的方法体系,当前村庄规划编制和实施未能把握村庄规划的本质,仍然延续着自上而下、政府主导的城市规划思维,导致实际的村庄规划编制工作推进困难、实施效果不尽理想。因此,应打破传统的城市规划思维,以问题和项目为导向,以社区改良、环境整治和公共物品供给为目标,从编制程序、规划内容和实施机制等方面探索更为合理、完善的村庄规划体制。 In the process of new socialist countryside development, Guangdong has promoted village planning compilation and village renovation. Due to lack of theoretical and methodological guidance, the plans still use government dominated top-down planning tradition. Promoting plan compilation has encountered many difficulties with unsatisfying results. New concepts shall be introduced to reorient planning for community, environment, and public service visions. The compilation process, content, implementation shall be enhanced for a better village planning system.

关 键 词: 村庄规划 规划思维 实施机制 广东省

分 类 号: [TU981]

领  域: []


