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作  者: ;

机构地区: 顺德职业技术学院

出  处: 《城市规划》 2015年第7期107-111,共5页

摘  要: 广东省高要地区有多个“八卦”形态的聚落,长期以来,官方宣传与部分学者认为这些聚落的营造理念来源于太极八卦思想,认为它们是模拟太极八卦。通过空间观测技术,本文初步定义了“八卦”形态聚落的概念,统计出高要地区“八卦”形态聚落的数量与方位,描绘出其分布范围与总平面图。通过田野调研和图解分析,发现“八卦”形态聚落的道路、建筑、数理、方位等与八卦图式皆有大量不符之处,模仿八卦图式的传说有穿凿附会之嫌。“八卦”形态聚落有明显的防灾和适应杜会形态的优势。其生成有防止自然灾害和人为灾害的内因,在发展过程中适应了社会形态,并受太板八卦与风水观念等影响,形成了当前的这种特殊形态。营造最优生存环境是“八卦”形态段落的本质追求。 Several human settlements in Gaoyao of Guangdong present a pattern like "Bagua". For a long time, both official publicity and many scholars think that the construction concept of these human settlements is rooted in "Bagua" from Taiji, and they simulate its pattern. Through astronomical observation technologies, we preliminarily define the concept of "Bagua" pattern settlements, sum up the quantity and location of these settlements in Gaoyao, and trace out their distribution range and general layout. Through field surveys and graphic analysis, the study finds that many factors of "Bagua" pattern settlements, including roads, architectures, math principles and location, differ widely from those in the "Bagua" pattern, so the conjecture about simulating the "Bagua" pattern may be only a strained interpretation. The "Bagua" pattern settlements have remarkable advantages in preventing disasters formation. The internal and adapting to social reason for the special pattern is to prevent natural disasters and man- made disasters. It has not only adapted to the social formation but introduced China's traditional cultural elements like Taiji and "Bagua" as well as Fengshui during their development, which eventually constitute the existing special form. Building an optimal living environment is the essential pursuit of "Bagua" pattern human settlements.

关 键 词: “八卦”形态聚落 聚落形态 生成 内因 防御灾害 社会形态

分 类 号: [TU241.5]

领  域: []


