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基金项目: 教育厅

申报时间: 2014-05-01

结项时间: 2016-05-01

成果名称: 广东高职酒店管理职业教育等级证书制度建构

成果形式: 论文

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东轻工职业技术学院

出  处: 《职业技术教育》 2016年第2期17-20,共4页

摘  要: 以行业需求和政策背景为导向,在现行酒店职业资格证书制度基础上,对高职酒店管理职业教育等级证书的证书类别、证书结构、认证内容、考题设置、认证主体、法律规范等方面重新定义及制定规范。目的是构建高职酒店管理职业教育学历证书与职业资格证书相结合的职业教育等级证书制度,为当下人才培养与人才需求脱轨等问题提供解决范例,为职业教育和行业发展紧密对接提供有效保障,为最终形成具有广东特色的职业教育等级证书理论体系和实践模式,构建广东特色的现代职业教育体系提供支持。 This paper regards industrial demand and policy background as the orientation, based on the current vocational qualification certificate system of hotel industry, redefines certificate of category, structure, content, exam setting, certification body, legal norms of vocational education rating certificate system in hotel management specialty of higher vocational education, and establish the new norms. The main purposes are to construct vocational education rating certificate system which combines degree certificate education and occupation qualification education, so as to provide support for theoretical system and practice pattern of vocational education rating certificate with Guangdong characteristics and construct the modern vocational education system with Guangdong characteristics.

关 键 词: 酒店管理 职业教育等级证书 职业资格认证 广东省

分 类 号: [G718.5]

领  域: []


