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作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

出  处: 《知识产权》 2015年第8期57-62,共6页

摘  要: 惩罚性赔偿立法的理论基础应建立在法经济学的效益最大化原则之上,并由此推导出著作权惩罚性赔偿制度应确立“惩罚为主、补偿为辅”的功能定位。依此检视最新版的《著作权法》修订草案送审稿,可以发现其惩罚性赔偿条款尚且存在不足,在适用条件的设计和赔偿数额的确定上均须作出相应修正。对于前者,应首先将侵权的“故意”作为必要条件,继而再考虑“动机、情节、规模、损害后果等”之严重性。至于后者,则应将适用惩罚性赔偿时的合并赔偿金范围限定为补偿性赔偿的“一倍以上三倍以下”,且在制度实施后还需要结合实践经验进一步确立有助于量化赔偿数额的法律实施机制。 The legislation of punitive damages should be based on the benefit maximization principle. According to it, the primary function of the punitive compensation system of copyright should be punishing the infiinger. Besides, compensating the victim can be the secondary function. In the view of the above theory, the latest draft amendment to the copyright law still has shortcomings. For the design of the applicable conditions, we should take "intentional tort" as a necessary condition, and then combine the severity of other aspects into consideration. As for the rule of determining the compensation, the amount of it should be limited in the scope of more than the compensatory damage and less than three times of it. In addition, after the system has been implemented, the law enforcement mechanism which can help to calculate the specific amount of compensation needs to be developed on the basis of practical experience.

关 键 词: 著作权 惩罚性赔偿 效益最大化原则 立法思考

分 类 号: [D923.8]

领  域: []


