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作  者: ;

机构地区: 中共广州市委党校

出  处: 《企业经济》 2013年第4期40-44,共5页

摘  要: 近年来,美国学者提出了互动导向这一新的理论,并基于发达经济体一美国验证了互动导向战略与公司绩效的正向关系,然而学界缺乏针对中国这样经济、文化、法律环境快速变化的新兴经济体的研究,也没有阐明互动导向影响公司绩效的作用机制。本文基于前人研究成果,构建了互动导向、顾客关系与公司绩效的关系模型,并在经济、文化、法律环境快速变化的新兴经济体中国进行了检验。通过对104家中国大陆企业样本的调查,运用回归分析和结构方程模型分析发现:互动导向与公司绩效正相关,互动导向与顾客关系正相关,顾客关系与公司绩效正相关,并且顾客关系在互动导向与公司绩效关系中存在中介作用。 In recent years, American scholars have proposed and proved interaction orientation theory based on the context of developed economies. However, there is no evidence which can prove this theory in emerging economies of China, which experience rapid changes in the economic, social, and legal institutions. On the basis of predecessors' studies, by investigating 104 cases in mainland China and using regression and SEM method, we build and examine the model of interaction orientation, customer relationship and firm performance to conclude that, in emerging economies, interaction orientation is positive to firm performance and also to customer relationship, and customer relationship is positive to firm performance, and plays a mediating effect between interaction orientation and firm performance.

关 键 词: 互动导向 公司绩效 顾客关系 新兴经济体 结构方程模型

分 类 号: [F276]

领  域: []


