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作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南农业大学经济管理学院

出  处: 《中国农学通报》 2010年第24期 443-449,共7页

摘  要: 广东农村经济发展存在农业产值增速趋缓、农民收入的地区差距与城乡差距拉大、农村富裕的进程相对滞后等问题。为了探究其原因,笔者使用数据挖掘、比较研究和制度经济学的研究方法,发现这在相当程度上可以归因于广东农业产业化发展水平落后。有效制度不足、普遍信任缺乏和进取精神不够等因素,使得广东农业产业化经营组织的结构不尽合理、治理机制尚不完善,制约了广东农业增效、农民增收和农村增富的进程。因此,广东各界必须致力于改善社会的普遍信任氛围、提高龙头组织的胜任能力和培育民众的进取精神,促进农业产业化健康发展。 There are some problems existing in the economic development of Guangdong rural areas, such as the slow progress of agricultural output, the increasing disparity of farmers ’ income between different regions and between the urban and rural areas, the relatively lagged process of rural areas to become rich 。 Making use of data dig, comparison analysis and institutional economics researches, this paper finds it significantly result from the backward of agribusiness development. Constrained by the insufficient effective institution, generalized trust and Initiative spirit, the structure of agricultural industrialization organization is unreasonable and the governance of it is imperfect, which has been slowing down the process to improve the agricultural efficiency, increase the peasant ’ s income and thereby enrich the rural areas. Therefore, in order to promote the healthy development of agricultural industrialization, it should be focused by people in different departments in Guangdong to improve the public generalized trust as well as the competencies of the agriculture leading enterprises, and foster the entrepreneurial spirit of people.

关 键 词: 农业产业化 有效制度 普遍信任 进取精神

分 类 号: [F304.5]

领  域: []


