作 者: ;
机构地区: 管理学院
出 处: 《心理科学进展》 2015年第7期1289-1298,共10页
摘 要: 怀旧指的是个体怀念过去的事物、人物、地方甚至经历或感受。它大多与美好的记忆联系在一起,并会带来积极的情绪体验,但同时可能也会引起消极的情绪体验。怀旧对维持个体身心健康有一定的积极效用。本文着重介绍了怀旧的触发因素包括客观刺激的视觉、嗅觉、听觉及主观刺激的消极情绪与低温知觉,分析了其研究范式有质化研究(内容分析与扎根理论)、量化研究(问卷调查与经验取样法)和实验研究(单因素随机实验设计与多因素实验设计),并介绍了其相关的测量工具。未来研究要加强主动怀旧与被动怀旧、积极怀旧与消极怀旧的探讨;整合各种研究范式与强化纵向的追踪研究;以及要区分特质型怀旧与状态型怀旧。 Nostalgia refers to personal sentimentality caused by recalling objects, people, places, experiences or feelings from the past. Nostalgia is usually associated with positive memories and leads to positive affect. It has a positive effect on maintaining individuals' physical and mental health, but occasionally, it may result in negative affect too. This paper reviewed the triggers of nostalgic, which included objective stimuli (e.g., visual, olfactory, and auditory) and subjective stimuli (e.g., negative emotions and perception of low temperature). Moreover, we analyzed the research paradigms of nostalgic, which included qualitative research (e.g., content analysis and grounded theory), quantitative research (e.g., survey and the experience sampling method), and experimental research (e.g., single-factorial design and multi-factorial design). Relevant scales used to measure nostalgic were also introduced. Future studies should further investigate the comparison between different triggers of nostalgic (e.g., active vs. passive) and between different content of nostalgic (positive vs. negative), and integrate various research paradigms. More attention should be drawn to longitudinal studies, as well as the distinction between state nostalgia and nature nostalgia.
分 类 号: [B849 C91]