作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学
出 处: 《外语教学》 2008年第5期 86-90,共5页
摘 要: 本文从语用翻译的角度探讨译者主体性与语篇中视角之间的互动关系。文章认为主体性和视角都是相对的、动态的概念,两者相互联系、相互影响;并指出译者主体性是译者能动地从事翻译活动的一种特性,语篇中的视角则是语篇通过主位化、信息结构等语篇成分体现出的相对凸显性。译者主体性与语篇中的视角在翻译过程中的交互作用决定译者能否成功地将原语转换为目的语,是帮助译者实现目的语的语用语言等效和社交语用等效的最有效的途径之一。 This paper deals with translator/interpreter' s subjectivity and staging in discourse from the perspective of pragmatic translation. It proposes that subjectivity and staging are relative and dynamic concepts, which are closely related and interact with each other in the translation process. Translator/interpreter' s subjectivity is manifested in the motility of the translator/ interpreter himself and the freedom he enjoys in various activities. Staging, on the other hand, is the relative convexity achieved through discourse elements such as thematization and information structure in discourse. The interaction of these two factors in translation/interpretation activities determines the successful rendering from the source language to the target language, which in turn is one of the most effective ways of achieving pragma-linguistic equivalence and socio-pragmatie equivalence in the target language.
分 类 号: [H059]
领 域: []