作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学
出 处: 《经济社会体制比较》 2013年第1期62-73,共12页
摘 要: 近年来,金砖国家之间双边经贸关系得到快速发展,对其现状和潜力进行深入分析具有重要的现实意义。文章运用显性比较优势指数、贸易结合度指数、经常市场份额模型等方法,利用2001—2011年的统计数据,对金砖国家数对双边经贸关系进行量化分析,得出了各个国家经贸关系密切程度的结论,据此提出了改善金砖国家双边及多边经贸关系的建议。 In recent years, bilateral economic and trade relationships among the BRICS countries have developed rapidly, and an in - depth analysis of their status and potential has strong practical significance. Looking at statistical data from 2001 -2011 and using the revealed comparative advantage index, the trade intensity index, and the regular market share model, this paper carries out an accurate quantitative analysis of bilateral economic and trade relationships between the BRICS countries. The paper goes on to point out problems in bilat- eral relations and puts forward recommendations for improving bilateral and multilateral economic and trade relations between BRIC countries.
分 类 号: [F75]
领 域: []