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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

出  处: 《太平洋学报》 2015年第4期46-55,共10页

摘  要: 近年来,越南的南海政策正在发生微妙的变化。越南通过对南海诸岛法律地位的调整,和东盟各国基本达成了一致立场,同时也赢得了美、日、印等国的支持。虽然越南声称此举是希望与各国建立战略信任,以维护区域内的和平与安宁,但其真实目的是想通过操弄《联合国海洋法公约》某些条款、以中国的领土和海洋权益为筹码来联合东盟国家和区域外大国,从而达到其利益最大化的目标。“981事件”是越南为检验其政策调整成效与中国展开的第一次交锋。该事件后,中越关系斗争性的一面有所上升,但双方的实力对比和在南海问题上的态度,决定了中越关系总体和平稳定的大趋势在未来几年内难以根本改变。 In recent years, the South China Sea policy of Vietnam has changed subtly. Vietnam and other ASEAN members have reached consensus on the South China Sea issue by identifying the Xisha Islands and the Nansha Islands as coral reefs which cannot sustain human habitation or economic life on their own. Although Vietnam claims that it is aimed to build strategic trust with other countries for peace cooperation and prosperity in Asia-Pacific, its real intention is to meet the interests of Vietnam and gang with the great powers outside the region and other ASEAN members at the expense of China's interests. The conflict of "981 exploration platform" between China and Vietnam are the consequence of this scheme. Although Sino-Vietnam relations have many problems at present, the difference of military power between two countries, Vietnamese foreign and security strategies and different views in Vietnamese Communist Party make it possible to keep peace in recent years between China and Vietnam.

关 键 词: 越南 南海政策 中越关系 “981事件” 区域外大国

分 类 号: [D823]

领  域: []


