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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

出  处: 《广东外语外贸大学学报》 2006年第4期 94-97,共4页

摘  要: 作为晚明最为复杂也最有代表性的文人之一,陈眉公并没有显赫的先世,也没有发达的子孙,乃父陈濂石的洒脱、发妻卫氏的温恭贤良都在一定程度上成就了陈眉公的隐逸,而业师何三畏的立身行事对陈眉公也有潜移默化的影响。陈眉公隐逸山中,但不绝然尘外;心怀济世理想,却又屡辞征召,这充分体现了陈眉公处世的圆通。 As one of the most complicated and representative scholars, Chen Meigong has neither grand forebears nor brilliant descendants. To some extent, the untrammeledness of his father Chen Lianshi and the gentleness of his wife Wei Shi give rise to Chen Meigong's seclusive life. Also his tutor He Sanwei's personal characters have exerted latent influence on him. He lives his life in seclusion behind the mountains but never pulls himself away from the outside world. With the ambition to benefit the society, Chen Meigong declines the requisition of his being appointed to be an officer, which completely shows his sophisticated way of conducting himself in society.

关 键 词: 陈眉公 家世 生平 归隐

分 类 号: [K820]

领  域: []


