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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

出  处: 《南京社会科学》 2013年第3期99-105,共7页

摘  要: 希腊悲剧因凸显的“行动性”,被亚里士多德定义为“对一个行动的摹仿”。从发生学的角度,通过对希腊悲剧“行动性”的还原解读,发现希腊悲剧的“行动性”源于对酒神祭仪中行动/动作元素的自律承袭,“行动性”不仅饱存于希腊悲剧的肌体里,而且衍化在悲剧艺术的建构之中,同时,“行动性”还隐含着希腊悲剧的重要属性——童性艺术。 The most prominent characteristics in Greek Tragedies was action. Greek tragedies were defined by Aristotle as "the imitation of an action". On perspective of genetics and a comparative view, the paper tried to restore the origin of "action" in its Greek Tragedies came liberally from rite without much change. man childish feature buried in Greek arts ritual form, and found that action in Such characteristics also reflect a human childish feature buried in Greek arts.

关 键 词: 希腊悲剧 行动 动作 童性艺术

分 类 号: [I106.3]

领  域: []


