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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州民航职业技术学院

出  处: 《广东外语外贸大学学报》 2016年第6期57-63,共7页

摘  要: 《洛德尔》(Lodore)是19世纪英国浪漫主义时期女作家玛丽·雪莱的作品。在小说中,男性角色亨利·菲兹亨利的性别主体身份是以父性谱系为建构基础,而女性角色康奈莉亚·塞德尔则以母女传承的女性谱系为建构基础。不同的谱系传承在父权文化场域内形成了主体建构的博弈。博弈之后,康奈莉亚与女儿伊赛尔的母女关系被割裂,二者建构了不同的女性性别身份。小说最终以康奈莉亚对父权文化下女性客体身份的认同为结局。通过《洛德尔》动态的性别建构叙述,玛丽·雪莱揭示了19世纪英国父权文化的性别身份建构机制。 Lodore is the last fiction of Mary Shelley, the famous female novelist of British Romanism in1800s. In the narrative, the gender identity configuration of Henry Fitzhenry, the male protagonist, wasbased on the patriarchal genealogy, while Cornelia Santerre, the female protagonist, was established uponthe female genealogy. In the patriarchal cultural fields, the difference of gender identity configuration basedon different genealogy initiated a gameing of subject. After the gaming, the relationship between Corneliaand Iser, her daughter, was separated. And accordingly, they constructed different kinds of female gender i-dentity in the narrative. Yet the fiction was ended with Cornelia identifying with the female's object identity.By such kind of dynamic gender identity configuration narrative in Lodore, Mary Shelley revealed to us thegender configuration regime of patriarchal culture.

关 键 词: 谱系 身份 父权文化 主体 女性 男性

分 类 号: [I106.4]

领  域: []


