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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《古代文明》 2016年第1期88-98,共11页

摘  要: 旌表烈女是明王朝在乡村推行教化的重要手段之一,也是地方官绅借机向朝廷表达宣传教化取得成效的一种方式。明代广东仕宦通过舆情鼓噪为村妇庄氏成功地争取到朝廷的旌表,并为庄氏修墓、建祠及坊表,引起更多士人参与到书写庄氏故事的行列,向全社会传达王朝教化在海疆社会的成效。庄氏也成为社会大众接受王朝教化的象征符号。 Promotion of the so-called vestal women is a major practice of the Ming dynasty in carrying out its rural moral and cultural education, as well as a way of the local officials and gentries to present their achievements to the royal court. By stimulating public sentiment, the Guangdong scholar-bureaucrats successfully portrayed a vestal woman Lady Zhuang and helped her to obtain an imperial honor which led to a reconstruction of her tomb, building of her memorial hall and memorial archway ext. This practice attracted more gentries to write about her story and Lady Zhuang eventually became a symbol of the public acceptance of the imperial propagation.

关 键 词: 明代 广东 仕宦 烈女

分 类 号: [K248]

领  域: []


