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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学文学院历史系

出  处: 《史学月刊》 2015年第5期98-105,共8页

摘  要: 徽州民间留存的合同文书,记录了明清赋役史的关键细节,具有重要的史料价值。其中,掌握赋役册籍的里书职役在地方社会的更替情况以及鱼鳞册交易并逐步私册化的过程,通常为传世文献所不载,或语焉不详。透过这些赋役合同可以发现,里书人选存在着由一个大型宗族垄断或若干个小型宗族轮流承担的现象,他们对地方社会的土地交易、税粮推收具有重要影响。万历清丈后编修的鱼鳞册,在官府和民众的推动下成为私册,甚至发生流转,往往被地方宗族势力保管、控制,并在清初的土地清丈中发挥了一定的作用。这些细节表明,在宗族所形成的社会网络中,重要职役的世袭、赋役册籍的私册化与土地资源的控制形成了有机的互动。 Key details of history of taxes and covee during the Ming and Qing dynasties were richly recorded in Huizhou civil contracts which are valuable historical sources, lishu , who controlled books of taxes and covee in the process of local social change and privatization of exchange of book of land property, was usually neglected or vaguely mentioned in extant historical literatures. By researching the contracts of taxes and covee, it is found out that lishu position was usually monopolized by big clans or controlled rotatively by smaller clans who had important influences on land property exchange and collection of tax grains. Pushed by official and civil activities the edited land property book after land surveys in the Wanli reign became private books , even could be exchanged. Theses books usually were preserved and controlled in the hands of local clan forces,and were used in certain degree in land surveys in the early Qing. The details of this phenomenon demonstrated that in a social network consisted of local clan forces there were dynamic interaction among hereditary key position,privatization of books of taxes and covee and control of land resources.

关 键 词: 徽州 明清时期 里书 私册 赋役合同文书

分 类 号: [K248]

领  域: []


