作 者: ;
机构地区: 暨南大学历史系
出 处: 《新闻与传播研究》 2015年第7期51-68,共18页
摘 要: 光绪初年,左宗棠开始统率湘军平定新疆叛乱。在此前后,英国驻华公使基于该国远东利益考虑,频频筹谋维护阿古柏政权的存在。在华英文媒介为捍卫英国利益而不断刊文,既反对左宗棠西征行动,呼吁保持新疆反叛势力独立,又干预西征借款的举动。英人创办的中文报纸《申报》紧随其后,或刊发社论,或转载英文报纸社论,刊载西人提供的虚实相间的战况消息,起到辅助和帮腔的作用。解读该报这一时期的编辑行为和办报理念,若不内窥各类牵制因素,单纯依赖该报自我暴白,极易陷入隔靴搔痒的境地,所谓“文人论政”“不党不私”等定位,亦不免堕入罗生门陷阱。 In the early Guangxu period,Zuo Zongtang led the main strength of Xiang army against the rebellion in Xinjiang.Around this time,in order to protect English interests in Far East,the British Ambassador to China frequently tried to protect the existence of Ya' qub Beg Regime.For this purpose,English media in China published articles to oppose Zuo Zongtangfs Western expedition constantly.They not only appealed to preserve the Ya ' qub Beg Regime,but also intervened the borrowing action for Western Expedition.' ShenBao',the famous Chinese newspapers which was established by the British,followed the steps closely.This paper played the subsidiary role in these affairs by running editorials or reprinting the other English editorials.The interpretation of ' ShenBao' at this time,attempted an ineffective solution if just depending on self-analysis while neglecting a variety of contain powers inside.As so called Civilian disscusing politics ' and 'No party,no privately',would fell into the Rashomon trap unavoidably.
分 类 号: [G219.29]
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