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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学历史系

出  处: 《近代史研究》 2014年第4期84-100,共17页

摘  要: 在太平天国战争的打击下,清廷国库极度空虚,传统的酌拨军费制度难以运行,成丰帝被迫谕令统兵大臣、战区督抚不要依赖户部,而应与其他省份直接协商拨解军费。这一军费咨商协解新谕令很快促成了“联省合筹”军饷计划的运行,前期的江南大营、曾江阵营、庐州大营等,积极筹划联省供饷;后期的长江五省合筹共剿计划也费心筹划。然而,受安全利益、人脉交谊、省区财源等因素的影响,这类联省合筹计划或微有成效,或仅限于筹议。它反映了战时环境下,军饷筹解新制与据册酌拨旧规混合并存的状态。 As a result of the pressure of the war with the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the Qing court's treasury was empty, and the traditional system of military appropriations was unable to function. Emperor Xianfeng was forced to issue an edic l instructing generals, governor-generals, and governors in the war zone t(j directly negotiate with other provinces for additional military expenditures,rather than depending on I he Ministry of Revenue. This new edict swiftly brought about cooperation among several provinces on a plan to raise soldiers,pay and provisions. In an earlier period, the Jiangnan camp, the Zeng Guofan and Jiang Zhongyuan camp, the Luzhou camp, and others actively planned to get soldier's pay and provisions from other provinces; in the later period, a plan for sippressing bandits and cooperatively raising soldiers' pay and provisions was also deliberately prepared. However, due to the influence of security interests, social connections and friendship, local financial resources,and other factors,some of these plans only had minor effects,and some of them remained in the planning stage and were never implemented. This reflected the coexistence of the new system of raising soldiers' pay and provisions with the old system of appropriating soldiers,pay and provisions according to registers in wartime situations.

关 键 词: 咸丰朝 军费 财政制度 联省合筹军饷

分 类 号: [K875.6]

领  域: []


