作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学
出 处: 《现代法学》 2007年第4期,共5页
摘 要: 行政调处是一项十分中国化的制度,从理论上深入探讨和研究行政调处制度是社会转型的客观要求。作为各种纠纷行政解决机制的统称,行政调处存在着设定缺乏整体性等诸多不足。在依法治国的背景下,我们必须从基本原则到具体机制对行政调处进行全方面的制度变革,以适应社会转型的客观需要。 In terms of dispute-settlement practice,China s administrative mediation and arbitration is unique,of which a further theoretical research is needed since China is in the process of social transition.In this author s opinion,administrative mediation and arbitration,while serves as an administrative solution to a variety of disputes,lacks systematic integrity and coherence.As such,an all-around institutional reform,from its basic principles to specific mechanism,should be carried out in the context of govern...
分 类 号: [D925.3]
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