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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

出  处: 《河南大学学报:社会科学版》 2012年第1期 118-126,共9页

摘  要: 外国传教士在华报刊活动伴随着中国近代报刊的发展历程,推动了中国近代本土新型报刊的兴起并进而影响中国社会进程。作为在华传教士报刊活动的两支主流,在华基督教报刊和在华天主教报刊呈现阶段性发展态势和特征,前者经历了起步期、停滞期、初步发展期、转型期、快速发展期、持续发展期,后者经历了发端阶段、初步发展、勃兴时期、快速发展、深入发展阶段。外国传教士在华报刊活动的历史分期是正确认识其发展轨迹和规律的基础。其历史分期反映了外国传教士在华报刊活动的发展态势及其在传教事业和西学东渐过程中对中国社会和本土新型报刊兴起所产生的影响。 Chinese modern press history was accompanied by the activities of foreign missionary press in China. The foreign missionary press promotes the rise of native new press of China and thus affects the development of Chinese society, As two main branches of foreign missionary press activities in China, protestant press and catholic press in China present development trends and characteristics respectively, the former experienced six periods of the beginning, the stagnation, initial development, transition period, rapid development, continuous development, and the latter experienced the beginning, initial development, flourishing period, rapid development, development in--depth. The historical division of foreign mission press is the basis to understand the development and characteristics of the missionary press activities in China.

关 键 词: 外国传教士 报刊活动 基督教报刊 天主教报刊 历史分期

分 类 号: [G219.29]

领  域: []


