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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

出  处: 《河南大学学报:社会科学版》 2014年第1期149-156,共8页

摘  要: 在华外报活动中,葡文报刊发轫最早。从1822年至1999年澳门回归,在华葡文报刊活动经历了初创期、兴办期、式微期和复兴期的历程,对香港和上海的外报进而对中国内地报业产生了影响。对在华葡文报刊的传播活动进行分期论述,目的是纠正现当代部分新闻史学著述中有关在华葡文报刊的些许错误,并从中总结在华葡文报刊的传播价值。 As the beginning of the foreign press in China, the Portuguese press in China had influence on the journalism in Shanghai and Peking, as well as on the modern press and society of China. Since 1822, it passed four periods of flourishing, development, decline and revival, and renders its own characteristics. This article aims to correct some errors from contemporary journalism works on Portuguese press in China and summarize the communication values of Portuguese press activities in China on this historical division.

关 键 词: 在华外报 葡文报刊 历史分期 传播价值

分 类 号: [G210.9]

领  域: []


