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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

出  处: 《国际新闻界》 2014年第10期62-81,共20页

摘  要: 19世纪上半叶,在华外国人阅读、摘译(节译)和研究《京报》文本成为其了解中国政府和社会状况的惯常做法。本文认为,《中国丛报》的《京报》英译译者群体在实践中业已形成了一套行之有效的编译策略与技巧。通过剖析和总结经典的《京报》英译文本及其跨文化传播规律,为深入研究19世纪上半叶在华外国译者之翻译活动和中西文化交流提供了基础。 In the first half of 19th century, it was a rule that the foreigners in China read, translated and researched the texts or extracts from The Peking Gazette in order to comprehend the social state in China. To analyze and summarize the translation strategies and skills in The Peking Gazette's English versions from The Chinese Repository, as the authors point out, is a base to make further research on the translation and interpreting activities and the cross-cultural communication of foreigners in China in 19th century.

关 键 词: 《京报》 英译 《中国丛报》 跨文化传播 编译策略与技巧

分 类 号: [G206]

领  域: []


